Thursday, September 3, 2015

Slowing Down and Enjoying

Today we decided that we have spent enough time with driving a chores and wanted to stay at "home" to give Keiki and the dog a since of normalcy again.  When on a one week road trip, there is a lot of laundry and cleaning up to do, so in order to start enjoying our time as a family in this overwhelmingly beautiful place, we decided to stay put for the day.  It's not glamorous, but three loads of laundry, designating a basket of toys for the dog and kiddo, cleaning up the dumped duffel bags and travel gear, and cooking in the kitchen have finally started us off to feel right at home here.

Before lunch, we enjoyed some downtime swimming in the pool.  Congratulations to our little cutie floating by herself in the pool all by herself for the first time today!

It's naptime hour for us right now so our dog is resting in a comfy spot and Brian and I are enjoying the quiet surroundings.  I'm not used to having so much "exotic" wildlife in our own backyard.  Lizards are everywhere, fish are jumping up out of the water on a regular basis, black bees pollinate the coral flowers, and herons & plover fly with grace.  We knew it was going to be extremely hot out, but I wasn't quiet prepared for constantly seeking out shade.  This heat reminds us to slow down from our fast New England pace and enjoy our surroundings more. I might even need to try fishing off the dock!