We didn't realize but pets are no longer allowed in ANY Disney park (boo!) but luckily Doodles experienced 1/2 of the boardwalk before we were kindly spoken to and asked to remove our dog from the grounds (yes, that basically meant to leave...) It was totally ok for us though because even thought it was only 10AM, it was over 90*F and felt hotter then that with the humidity. Add to the mix that we were either hand-holding our TinyTot or carrying her in the kid-carrier pack, and the heat was unbearable! No one can appreciate the magic of Disney when that hot! So everything worked out for the best!
Lunch at a rest stop and back on the road for this family and we only had 3 hours to our Sanibel destination. Traffic reports detoured us though areas of Florida that we had not expected. Families were either very poor or lived in shacks, most must have worked in the groves or ranches. Laundry hung outside on chain-linked fences and front doors were open for cross-wind to cool off. The humbling surroundings were a good reminder that places like Disney are a privilege and not an expectation.
Our family is very lucky to travel and experience adventures that most could never dream of. May we never take our opportunities for granted!