So what has worked for us and what has not? The car-top carrier has been so helpful to create space in the car! I would highly recommend using it to families going on road trips. We were smart packers believe it or not and even though this is a month&ha half vacation, we tried really hard to ONLY pack a duffel bag for each one of us and a back pack for the dog because we are renting a house with laundry ability. This freed us up to only need to pack 7days (or less!) of clothes in one bag and call it a day. But we found we had a lot of extra things we needed once we arrived in Florida so I dedicated one medium sized suitcase for all of our extra things (think diapers and bathing suits!) that was stored in the car-top carrier since it wouldn't be needed until our second week.
The car-top also gave space for us to bring our favorite adventure tool with a toddler: her carrier pack! Keiki hates strollers and we typically go hiking in places where it's unsafe for her to climb or be a slow walker, or as we call it, using her "slow toes!" The Osprey Pack has been our best purchase to allow us all to go on bigger adventures together as a family and not leave anyone behind.
Ok, let's talk toys! Most parents worry about toys or entertainment for tiny tots. I am grateful that I did not overpack a boat load of books and small toys because we have not needed them so far. My advice at this point is to leave most of them at home. All we have used have been books that prompt sing-along tunes (like Old McDonald had a Farm & Wheels on the Bus), some healthy snacks from the cooler, and the WaterWow magic color with water books (my favorite are made by Melissa&Doug because it can be colored and the dry to color again).
What does your family use for car entertainment? What works for you and what doesn't? Suggestions welcome!