Friday, August 28, 2015

Drive the East Coast: part 1

Our family has been on the road officially for three day now and we have only traveled about 400miles. I feel like we started off our exciting "trip" by hosting my cousins family from Maryland on Sunday Aug 23, and then after squeezing packing& errands on Monday, we saw friends an hour further up north in New Hampshire on Tuesday, Aug25, a day prior to our epic family travel event! Even though Sunday wasn't the official start date for our trip, it definitely felt like we squeezed in our last hugs with friends for a while!

Wednesday morning, my husband and I finished packing our long-term storage in out car-top carrier, and put our short-term duffle bags in the back of the car. I only choose a very select few toys for our little Keiki like books and coloring books and placed them in a basket in front of her feet. Also made sure we had extra water, travel dog bowl, leash, &spotty bags for the dog too. Our goal was to get on the road by 9am so we aimed for a half hour prior to get out the door... Only to finally leave at 9:45! It finally got to a point where we said that if we didn't pack it then we either didn't need it or could buy it, ha!

With us packed into our car along with our daughter and dog, we were finally off!!  We started our trip from Massachusetts and after two stops in Connecticut to see family on Thursday, we are now waking up at my parents home in New Jersey. Lucky for us all the driving has been broken down into such small sections and having great visits (that are a bonus entertainment for a toddler and a dog to run around!) I don't actually think we feel like we are on an east coast driving trip yet. In fact it's been so easy that I think we are getting spoiled and fear having a big wake-up call for when we have longer spurts of driving, but we will conquer that hurdle when we get there.