Thursday, May 12, 2016

Summertime Activities for Kids

Can you believe that summertime is upon us?  In a few short weeks school will be out and I'm sure we all have grand visions of activities planned and vacation time with family.  And if you haven't even started thinking about ideas, how about try some of these:
  1. taking a nature walk in your local State Park
  2. picnic with friends and family near a lake or a playground
  3. try your hand at fishing at a local pond
  4. plan a trip to a beach
  5. explore along a bike path
  6. visit community gardens
Are you catching on too a pattern here?  I say "get outside and enjoy some sunshine, or go jump in puddles along with your kids when it rains," the options are endless!  Lucky for us as parents, adventures don't have to be expensive or extravagant for children to have tons of fun and make memories last!  And bonus prize - the less stressful the event, the more fun we have as adults too!