Our moving POD is now in the driveway! We decided to place our belongings into short-term storage because even though we are selling our house, we don't have a new permanent address for quite some time.

PODS was the only portable storage option for us that had the largest size available. We rented a 8'x8'x16' POD and hope it will fit all the stuff we have left!
Dancing a little jig inside the new POD |
There is even a new trailer attachment called POD-zilla which can pick-up/put-down raise/lower straight up and down. This is key for us since once we pack, we don't want our furniture and belongings to shift like it would being hoisted onto a truck like a tow-truck fashion. So this puppy arrived on Monday morning and has been living in our driveway this week until the movers come to pack it up on Sunday.