The most difficult item to figure out how to store has been my kayak. For those of you who don't know about my boat, it has been a labor of love and I simply cannot part with her. Having very minimal woodworking skills prior, I bought a Chesapeake Light Craft kit and over the past few years have enjoyed building a stitch-and-glue kayak and eventually launching (and not sinking!) into may of the local lakes in our area to explore. It has become a symbol of determination, strength and endurance for me, and has given me the confidence that I can see a challenging solo project from beginning to end. Looking back at the process I actually think I enjoyed building it more then I do paddling... but I digress.
My husband's step-father was kind enough to offer his horse barn as a place for me to store it during our time of transition so over Thanksgiving weekend, Water Lilly (name of my kayak) traveled her furthest distance down to Connecticut for winter storage. I'll miss seeing her in the garage, but at least she'll have a good safe home for now. And who knows, maybe in the spring she'll even take her maiden voyage in salt water at Mystic? I didn't build a 17 foot sea kayak to only keep her in fresh lakes *wink* Until then, sleep well and enjoy winter hibernation.